Alvaro Alcocer and Alexandra Hodkowski
Owners, Head Hi
A.L. Hu
NOMA, AIA, NCARB, EcoDistricts AP; 2023-2024 CFA Lab Resident, Queeries: Designing Reality Equitably and Madly (Q:DREAM)
Manuel Miranda
Owner and Lead Designer, Manuel Miranda Practice (MMP)
Dungjai Pungauthaikan
Founding Principal and Creative Director, Once-Future Office
Kim Yao, FAIA
Principal, Architecture Research Office; 2020 President, AIA New York
Competition Info
Entry Instructions
- Postcard designs must be sized to 4” x 6” to qualify for USPS First-Class Mail
- The text “Greetings From” in any language or style must be on the front of the postcard.
- Submissions should provide a design for the front of the postcard only. Design title and author credits will be printed on the reverse.
- Please submit your design as a PDF with a standard bleed of .125″
- Deadline: Tuesday, September 3, 5pm ET
- Authors must be 18 years or older and a resident or student (graduate or undergraduate) in NYC’s five boroughs
- One submission is permitted per author, regardless of whether you are submitting as an individual or a firm.
- All are invited to submit—architects, illustrators, design enthusiasts, etc.
- AI generated images and graphics are not eligible
- Otherwise, all media are accepted
- $500 cash prize
- Postcards will be printed and distributed at the Center for Architecture throughout the month of October 2024
- 3 winning designs will be selected by the jury and announced in late September
Due date: September 03, 2024