June 2, 2010
by Glenda Reed Center for Architecture Foundation

Event: New Buildings New York Tour of 100 11th Ave
Location: 100 11th Avenue (corner of West 19th Street)
Tour Guides: Francois Leininger — Atelier Jean Nouvel; John Beyer, FAIA — Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners
Organizers: Center for Architecture Foundation (CFAF)


View from inside 100 11th Ave.

Timothy Schenck, http://www.timothyschenck.com/

Francois Leininger of Ateliers Jean Nouvel said Jean Nouvel, Hon. FAIA, was inspired by the Hudson River on the New Buildings New York tour of 100 11th Avenue. Nouvel envisioned a façade made of windows of different sizes, shapes, colors, and angles that would mirror the river with as many reflections and colors as possible throughout the day. The challenge was to turn this idea into a feasible design. The result is 1,600 windows in 32 different sizes.

From inside a model apartment on the eighth floor, tour participants examined the window system and took in the views of the river and city skyline. The windows are assembled into 37-foot-long “mega panels” constructed in China with the glass preinstalled (the panel lengths were limited by the dimensions of shipping containers). According to John Beyer, FAIA, of Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners, each mega panel is outfitted with aluminum on the exterior, which is mirrored by a steel structure on the interior. The steel, painted to mimic its aluminum counterpart, supports the building.

Each floor of the luxury condominium has four apartments oriented to maximize views of the river, and tour participants explored several of them. Punched buildings on the sides and rear of the building looked like paintings: framing curated views of the city.

The tour finished with refreshments in the top floor penthouse and roof terrace while the sun set over the Hudson River. The Center for Architecture Foundation would like to give a special thanks to Leininger and Beyer for making this evening possible. All New Buildings New York proceeds benefit youth and family programs at the Center for Architecture. If you are interested in attending future New Buildings New York tours, contact info@cfafoundation.org and ask to be put on the mailing list. For more information, visit the Center for Architecture Foundation‘s website.