by Kristi Tremblay Center for Architecture Foundation
Event: Family Day: Jugaad Urbanism: Designs for City Life
Location: Center for Architecture, 02.19.11
I particularly liked the solar-powered lamppost idea. I could see it being incorporated into public parks and playgrounds. What a fun activity for kids, to pedal for electricity. I thought… we should try some of these methods in America.
— Jonathan Neroulias, student visitor
Families gathered at the Center for Architecture to explore the new exhibition “Jugaad Urbanism: Resourceful Strategies for Indian Cities.” Using the exhibition’s printed Family Guide, they learned about the struggles facing the population in a place lacking resources, including not having access to clean water, habitable housing, privacy, and sanitation. They also explored the wide range of designs produced by Indian citizens, architects, urban planners, and governmental and nongovernmental organizations that address India’s current urban crisis. Families compared these solutions with NYC’s approach to similar issues.
The workshop following an exhibition tour provided an opportunity for visitors to develop their own solutions to urban problems. Families collaborated on resourceful, multi-purpose designs that could enhance the quality of life for any community. Projects included solar-powered homes that collect rainwater; a mechanical recycling robot; covered bridges that give access to people with disabilities; and eco-friendly vehicles.
The Center for Architecture Foundation offers Family Days once a month on Saturday at the Center for Architecture. The Foundation also hosts Studio@theCenter, three-day design programs for students in grades 3-12 during school vacations and Summer@theCenter, weeklong design programs over the summer holiday. For more information about the Foundation’s Programs@theCenter or ways to get involved, visit, or contact Catherine Teegarden at