Create your own one-of-a-kind model treehouse! First, make the tree using real tree branches and cardboard, then add platforms, rooms, railings, roofs, ladders, swings, etc. to make it come to life!
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Materials: Corrugated cardboard base ▪ A few small tree branches ▪ Cardboard roll ▪ Scrap newspaper or paper bag ▪ Scrap cardboard ▪ Arts & crafts/recycled materials (wood sticks, construction paper, string/yarn, corks, pipe cleaners, etc.) ▪ Green tissue paper ▪ Tape ▪ Glue (hot glue optional)
Step 1: Cut 4 slits in the bottom of the cardboard roll and fold them out to create “roots.” Glue roots and the bottom of the roll securely to the cardboard base to create your tree trunk. Hold to dry.
Step 2: Create a bouquet of branches and tape them together in the position you want.
Step 3: Insert the bouquet of branches into your trunk. Stuff newspaper or paper bag around the branches to hold them in place in the trunk. Add glue/tape as needed.
Step 4: Add platforms and rooms. Use a piece of paper to create a platform template, cutting slots and holes to accommodate branches as needed. Trace this shape onto a piece of cardboard and cut it out to make a sturdy treehouse platform, or cut a hole in the center of a cardboard platform and glue this directly on the trunk, then stick the branches through the hole. You may glue on small boxes to create little rooms. Glue and tape each piece into place as needed.
Step 5: Complete your treehouse by adding walls, railings, roofs, ladders, swings, etc. Use green tissue paper to create leaves.