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While the goals of living—and being—together transcend architecture and planning, the built environment shapes how we interact and connect with each other. The way we build and organize our environment, then, can help or hinder the formation of connections and communities. In the face of continued and increasing isolation, cultivating integrated modes of living at every scale of life—from the home to the neighborhood to the city and beyond—is one of the greatest challenges. Over the past two decades, architects, designers, and organizers have given shape to both private and public spaces that seek to bridge divides and cultivate connectivity—spaces that consider the intersections of community building, spatial justice and autonomy, intergenerational integration, and landscapes of care. The case studies on display here help tell some of these stories.

> Go to Ed Roberts Campus Case Study

Installation view of a white gallery wall with images and text spanning across the middle of the wall horizontally.
Photo: Asya Gorovits.

Visual Description

Photograph of a white gallery wall with pink text on the bottom left that says “Case Studies.” In the middle of the wall from left to right are paragraphs of black text paired that are grouped with images (photographers or renderings). The black text is too small to read in the photograph.


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